Presentations/Conference Attendances
Hyperbolic Manifolds, Their Submanifolds and Fundamental Groups - Week 2 - IMPA (Winter 2025)
Combinatorial and gauge theoretical methods in low dimensional-topology and geometry - CRM De Giorgi (Summer 2024)
Homology Growth in Topology and Group Theory - MPIM Bonn (Summer 2024)
Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM) - Undergraduate Presenter (Winter 2023)
The Young Mathematicians Conference (Ohio State University) - Undergraduate Presenter (Summer 2022)
GROW (Graduate Research Opportunities for Women) @ Duke University - Undergraduate Participant (Fall 2022)
Texas Undergraduate Mathematicians Conference - Undergraduate Presenter and Panelist (Fall 2022)
UT Math Directed Reading Project Presentation - "Computation of homology groups of piecewise linear manifolds" (Spring 2021)
UT Austin College of Natural Sciences Research Forum Presentation - "Non-local diffusion operators/the Fractional Laplacian" (Spring 2021)